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What Is a Five Letter Word for...

“What’s a five-letter word for chronicle?” The first caller asked. “If the party of the first part is married to the party of the second...

An Easter Rose

...and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as a rose. Isaiah 35:1. A single white rose with the tips of each petal tinged in soft pink...

Retreat to the Rockers

“The rocking motion is very soothing, going back to the cradle or even just a mother’s arms. We all know that,” the administrator of a...

What's in Your Neighborhood?

Although we’ve lived in the boondocks for 20 years, we’ve just discovered some of our neighbors’ roosting places. During the day, we...

One Recipe Morphs into Several

Over two decades ago, our daughter gave her dad a cookbook, The Complete Book of American Fish and Shellfish Cookery. It came with the...

Did You Even See the Umbrella?

Wood storks in flight In his book Authentic Happiness, Dr. Martin E. P. Seligman tells of a would-be Buddhist monk. After three years of...

The Old Lace Collar

An old lace collar tatted in an intricate design surrounds a sepia tone photograph of a young couple from another era. The collage of...

Learning How To...

Cracker Barrel Old Fashioned Store and Restaurant uses the slogan,“Getting There is Half the Fun.” For us, getting there is the fun....

I Dined at a Movie Set

The Whistle Stop Cafe in Juliette, Georgia, serves fried green tomatoes and more. For a long time, I’ve wanted to eat at the Whistle Stop...

Whatever...So What?...Who Cares?...

The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not...

A Wintery Afternoon

The day was dank and dreary. A persistent drizzle chilled a body. The boy, angry at having chores to do, lifted the axe and with one...

Those Smarter than We

A number of years ago, motivational speaker Roger Crawford addressed the Wayne County teachers at the opening session of the school year....

She Knew Her Cup Runneth Over...

She was late. “I shouldn’t have taken time to load the dishes in the washer,” she thought. “But how I hate to come home to a messy...

The Mystery Tree

Look closely to see the abundance of a mystery fruit still on the tree. Citrus is an ancient fruit. Seven million years ancient,...

He Was a Very Fine Dog Indeed!

Jesse and I shared a chair; our daughter captures him in crossstitch. Jesse, our 12-year-old Lassie dog, died on my dad’s birthday. I am...

Looking for a New Year's Resolution?

Consider one of these. The Paradoxical Commandments by Kent M. Keith 1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them...

Where's the Fire?

Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray...

The Time of Our Lives

And it came to pass in those days...Luke 2:1 KJV A widespread haze from three bonfires creates a mirage for the guests gathered for the...

The Essence of a Christmas Memory

On a summerlike day in November, I walked through a commercial garden where employees had just unloaded newly arrived Christmas trees....

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