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"Angel in Tennis Shoes" Again...

Writer's picture: Jamie DentyJamie Denty

From the moment our first child was born, I began keeping a baby book for each of our children. Of course, I listed pertinent facts about height, weight, eye color, birthmarks, favorite foods.

But when our children began to talk, I delighted in the way they expressed themselves. I noted all the cute sayings in these books, but the lines stayed in my heart. And so, I found myself not only recording what they said, but how it touched my soul. As my friends told about the expressions of their own children, I identified with them, too. I learned to listen to every child I met. Once I had grandchildren, I felt as if I had been given a second chance to listen anew.

In 1973, the editor of The Wayne County Press, asked me to write a Christmas column. I based it on comments one of our children made about his participation in the church’s annual Christmas pageant. “Angel in Tennis Shoes” was the beginning of my utilizing the words of children to define the many facets of this holiday celebrating the birth of Christ.

A decade later by phone, a literary agent and popular book reviewer in Dallas, TX, thanked me for the Christmas card I had sent her.

I was especially touched because this lady, who had become my agent and a friend, was Jewish.

“How many columns have you written that you’ve turned into cards?” She asked.

“Ten, maybe.”

“Do you have any other columns you could turn into Christmas messages, say ten more?”


“If so, I’d like to try to market them as a Christmas devotional book.”

She tried and publishers turned her down because it was too short. Imagine anything I write being criticized for being too short.

Since that exchange back in the early 1980s, I’ve continued to add columns to the initial collection - all inspired by a real life child or a young-at-heart adult. From time to time, I’ve tried to market them on my own without success. But, I have continued to add to and take away from my collection until today it numbers 60.

On November 26, Angel in Tennis Shoes: Devotionals for Christmas, was released by New Harbor Press, a division of CrossLink Publishers. It will be available at The Press-Sentinel, through many bookstores, and on-line at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. An ebook version is also available. Books cost $9.99; ebooks $5.89.

As pleased as I am to see this project come to fruition in time for Christmas, I am especially appreciative that our oldest grandchild created the cover artwork. It was such a delight to work with her. A fashion designer by profession, she has truly captured the concept of a young child in tennis shoes pretending to be an angel with make-believe wings. He is ready to take his place on the stage in a Christmas pageant and to represent the dozens of children and young-at-heart featured in the collection.

I also want to acknowledge another grandchild who took numerous headshots until we came up with one we could use. In all of them, I look old; I am old. I’ve been writing columns for over 50 years. And, all seven of our grandchildren uttered words inspiring columns in this book. So did children of friends, children I watched from afar and some young-at-heart adults.

And, I want to thank our son and daughter who spent hours proofreading multiple galleys.

I am grateful to readers of my column, especially those who have asked for a collection of columns and those who told me that I had opened their ears to the words of their own children. Thank you for reading my words year after year, for telling me how this message or that one has touched you, and for asking for more. Writers of every genre appreciate readers; I am wonderstruck by your continued support. I hope you enjoy this little volume.


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