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How Big Is Big?

Sitting in the car Saturday while waiting for one of our youngsters to run an errand, I witnessed a very poignant scene. Two young...

When Is a Nut not a Nut?

Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough. Not only have I found that when I talk to the little flower or to the little...

Make Gratitude a Habit...

Take not a minute for granted, because that minute can never be replaced. Melody Carstairs, Fitness adviser. As this column appears in...


(I was confused. This column is to coincide with my column in The Press-Sentinel's Senior Living supplement this week. Both this column...

Learning Retirement...

The joy of retirement comes in those everyday pursuits that embrace the joy of life; to experience daily the freedom to invest one’s...

Prayer of the Woods...

Standing sentry at the entrance of a nature trail at Fred Gannon Rocky Bayou State Park in Florida, a plaque reads: Prayer of the Woods I...

Reading to Heal...

Art can help with healing. Art and Literature tell you truths about the world and about yourself that no one else can tell you. Edward...

Language Defines Us...

While we supreme human beings think we define the nuances of words with absolute precision, actually, language defines us. And the Words...


“But they just get dirty again!” wailed the seven-year-old when he was reminded that he still had his weekly chores of sweeping the...

Slow Cooking...

It appears as if creativity can backfire. When the hit TV show, “This is Us,” aired after the Super Bowl with death by “Crock Pot,” the...

What Are Our Deadlines?

What matters most in a child’s development, they say, is not how much information we can stuff into her brain in the first few years....

Christmas Memories...

Earlier this year a former student from Texas questioned me. He thought he remembered a Creative Writing Club Christmas party. He asked...

A Breath of Fresh Air...

Until I feared that I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing. -Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee...

Small Kindnesses Add Up...

These people in my house, in my life: They are everything. We’re going to lose so much. We don’t need to lose this, too, this time we...

Here's to the Moms!

No, this isn’t a Mother’s Day column in November. Or is it? According to an article in Reader’s Digest, we women can thank one specific...

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